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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Delegates from Israel and Palestine invited by MOFA visited Hiroshima Prefectural Government

Lecture by the Peace Promotion Project Team
Courtesy visit to Vice Governor Tanabe
Vice Governor Tanabe and the delegates from Israel and Palestine

On January 30, the 10 delegates from Israel and Palestine invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan paid a visit to the Hiroshima Prefectural Government. This invitation program has been implemented annually since 1997 in a bid to support to build trust in a relationship between Israel and Palestine.

Prior to the visit to the Hiroshima Prefectural Office, the delegates learned the humanitarian consequences of the atomic bombing through a testimony of Hibakusha and visit to the Peace Memorial Museum. At the Prefectural Office, the staff of the Peace Promotion Project Team delivered a presentation about the history of the reconstruction of Hiroshima City, and the courtesy call to Vice Governor Tanabe was made by the delegates.

One of the delegates asked about a role of the Hiroshima Prefecture for peace in the Middle East, and the Vice Governor answered that we are responsible to disseminate a message for peace throughout the globe as a reconstructed city from the ruin caused by the atomic bombing.

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