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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Special Feature on the G7 Hiroshima Summit

Governor's Message

As the 2023 G7 Summit will be held in Hiroshima for three days from May 19th to 21st, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to the G7 nations’ leaders, the summit staff, and to all those visiting Hiroshima thanks to the summit.
In the context of the heightened risk of nuclear weapons usage due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I think it is deeply meaningful that Hiroshima, an A-bombed site, was selected as the venue to have such crucial discussions regarding world peace and sustainable development.
We at the Hiroshima Prefecture Government wish to use this opportunity to share Hiroshima’s two symbolic messages with the world. The first is the devastation of war, due to being destroyed by and then reconstructing after the A-bombing, and the second is the abundance of peace. Furthermore, we hope this will increase both momentum and concrete initiatives towards nuclear abolition.
To these ends, we will use this website to share far and wide Hiroshima’s history both before and after the A-bombing, provide accessible information about peace, and beginning with the Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace (HOPe), share the activities of peace-promoting organizations. We hope that this website will teach each of you how you can contribute toward a peaceful world free of nuclear weapons, and encourage you to take the first step towards action.

Hidehiko YUZAKI
Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture
President of Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace
March 2023

G7 Members

Let's take the first step toward world peace at the G7 Hiroshima Summit

Let's take the first step toward world peace at the G7 Hiroshima Summit

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