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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Message from Jerry White (a Senior Ashoka Fellow and Professor at University of Virginia, shares in the Nobel Peace Prize awarded in 1997 to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines)

Jerry White, a Senior Ashoka Fellow and Professor at University of Virginia, shares in the Nobel Peace Prize awarded in 1997 to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines

Trauma is a before-and-after moment when life is just never the same again.For me, personally it was the day I stepped on a landmine on April 12th, 1984. For many in the United States, it was September 11th, 2001.

Iconic dates are warning signs.

Hiroshima, August 6th, 1945, this iconic date cries out to humanity to never forget the agony of this historic scar in global wound. It was a turning point of horror but also eventually of some hope and resilience. We must listen and then remember very well this anniversary. We must teach each rising generation to take their stand against inhumanity and against mass destruction in all its forms and to abolish any prospect for nuclear holocaust this century. Hiroshima today is a testimony to mass resilience. So let each of us honor the power to heal collectively to regenerate and to rebuild a better world.

Thank you

75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima

The year 2020 falls on the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing. Is a nuclear weapon a past event? There are still over 13,000 nuclear weapons on the planet. Why don’t you think about peace together on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing?

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