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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Hiroshima-ICAN Academy on Nuclear Weapons and Global Security 2021

Hiroshima Prefecture and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and Global Security (“ICAN”), the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Award winning organization, will hold the Hiroshima-ICAN Academy on Nuclear Weapons and Global Security 2021 (hereafter referred to as “the Academy”). Through this training program, we aim to nurture global leaders who can make concrete contributions towards a more peaceful and secure world.

Join us for this opportunity to meet and learn together with inspiring people from diverse backgrounds around the world!


Open Learning Course is available from Thursday, July 1, for the purpose of providing more people with information on topics relating to nuclear issues and international politics.

For more information, please visit here.

Academy 2019

Academy 2020

Background of the program

The Academy was launched in 2019, based on the agreement between Mr. Yuzaki Hidehiko, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture and Ms. Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of ICAN. The first Academy held in Summer 2019 was an in-person program, in which 15 students and young professionals from different regions of the world came to Hiroshima to participate. In 2020, the program was rearranged into two parts; Part 1 as online learning and webinars, and Part 2 planned to be an in-person training program in Hiroshima. 31 participants joined Part 1 to learn together virtually, but Part 2 was not held due to COVID-19.


Number of participants so far: 46

Countries/Regions of participants: 21

(Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Japan, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Kyrgyz Republic, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Uganda, United Kingdom and the United States)


Previous programs: Academy 2019/ Academy 2020

Program Overview

The Academy 2021 is planned to be held in two parts; Part 1 as online learning and webinars, and Part 2 as an in-person training program in Hiroshima. The dates for Part 2, tentatively scheduled for March 2022, will be confirmed in November after carefully considering the COVID-19 circumstances in Japan and overseas. Please note that a separate selection process will apply for each part. The program will be conducted entirely in English.


(1) Part 1 (Online Learning and Webinars)

Through an online learning course beginning in late September as an asynchronous training program (self-paced) and participating in webinars in October as a synchronous training program (set-pace, at scheduled times), participants will learn about four themes: the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons; the political, legal, and technical aspects of nuclear weapons and global security; civil society in action; and disarmament diplomacy and the role of the United Nations. During the interactive and engaging webinars, participants will have opportunities to learn from guest educators including atomic bomb survivors, as well as mutual learning among participants themselves.


Dates:               Tuesday, September 21 – Sunday, October 3 (Online Learning)

Monday, October 4 – Friday, October 22 (Webinars; number and dates TBC)

Participants:      30 students in college, university, or graduate school and young professionals (approximately 25 years of age or younger)

15 from nuclear weapon states (NWSs) and 15 from non-nuclear weapon states (NNWSs)

* NWSs are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as defined by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). NNWSs are all countries not NWSs.

* Among  participants, one (1) shall have a connection to Hiroshima Prefecture.

Platform for webinars:   Zoom (TBC)

Program fee:     Free


(2) Part 2 (In-person training program in Hiroshima)

Participants will have an invaluable opportunity to learn about the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons through activities such as directly hearing testimonies of the survivors and visiting the A-bombed remains and peace museum, along with other themes.

Once the dates for Part 2 are confirmed, a further round of selection will be conducted among Academy 2021 Part 1 participants. The reason for this, is that the number of participants who can be accommodated in Hiroshima by the organizers are limited. The 30+ participants of the Academy 2020, which had no in-person program due to COVID-19, will be given priority to join the in-person program this time, and remaining places will be offered to selected participants from Academy 2021. this carry-over is a special measure for participants of the Academy 2020 and will not apply for participants of the Academy 2021. Thank you for your understanding therefore that Academy 2021 participants will not be guaranteed a place in Part 2 in Hiroshima.


Dates:               Five days in March 2022

                        * Details to be confirmed in mid November

Venue:              An accommodation and training facility in Hiroshima City

Program fee:     Free

Meals and accommodation during the program, and costs associated with the fieldwork (admission fees etc.) will be covered by the organizers. Participants are responsible for covering their travel expenses from/to their home to/from the venue in Hiroshima, visa fees (if applicable), overseas travel insurance fees and other personal expenses associated with their participation. Several outstanding participants will be awarded with a travel scholarship.

* In principle, the scholarships will be provided to those who would otherwise find it difficult to come to Hiroshima for economic reasons, mainly from economically-disadvantaged countries/regions. Intention to apply for this need-basis travel scholarship will not have any impact  on the overall selection process.

* Participants are encouraged to seek financial support from their school or affiliated organization. The organizers can issue an official supporting letter for these purposes.


* The Open Learning Course, open to anyone interested in learning with online materials, is available here.

Program Features

– Understand the reality of the atomic bombing, such as the inhumanity of nuclear weapons and health effects of radiation, through testimonies of the survivors.

– Learn about global trends on nuclear weapons and global security, through exchange with professors and researchers of universities, institutions, and so forth.

– Acquire necessary skills and innovative visions for concretely contributing in the global arena towards realizing a peaceful world.

– Engage with and learn from UN officials, diplomats, and NGO members.

Program Themes

– Humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons

– Political, legal, and technical aspects of nuclear weapons and global security

– Civil society in action

– Diplomacy for disarmament and security, and the role of the United Nations

Application requirements

Applicants shall meet all the following requirements:

(1) Applicants should be considerate and respectful of the diversity of all the people involved in the Academy including nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical characteristics, religious thoughts, political beliefs and opinions.

(2) Applicants are strongly requested to have the intention to participate in both Parts.

(3) Applicants shall be students in college, university, or graduate school and young professionals (approximately 25 years of age or younger)

(4) Applicants should have a strong interest in issues related to nuclear weapons and global security, and also be keen to work for global peace, for instance as a UN worker, diplomat, or international NGO worker.

(5) Applicants should have access to the internet for communication and online learning at the place of their residence.

(6) Applicants should have the will to remain actively involved in the issues of nuclear weapons and global security after the program by making full use of the knowledge and skills gained in the program, and to be able to disseminate about their experience utilizing social media, etc.

(7) Applicants should be able to comprehend technical terms and participate in discussions in English.

(8) Attending all lectures and submitting assignment for Part 1 is a prerequisite for participating in Part 2.

Application method and deadline

Application has been closed.


The selection committee will review the applications based on the application requirements as above, ensuring diversity in gender, geographical representation, perspectives on the issues that the Academy deals with and other background.

A phone/Skype interview (in English) may be conducted. If applicable, applicants will be contacted by the organizer to schedule the interview.

  1. Applicants will be notified of the selection results on Friday September 17.
  2. Even after the selection has been made, if a successful applicant engages in an inappropriate act, the organizer reserves the right to cancel their participation.

Schedule (Tentative) *Subject to change.


Thursday, July 1 – Monday, August 19:

Online learning materials for application available

Friday, August 20:         Application deadline

Friday, September 17:    Notice of selection results for Part 1

Tuesday, September 21: Online learning materials for Part 1 available

Monday, October 4 – Friday October 22:

                                    Webinars (number and dates TBC)

Mid November:            Announcement of Part 2

Tuesday, November 30: Notice of selection results for Part 2



March:                         In-person training program (5 days in Hiroshima)

Inquiries about this page

Executive Committee of Hiroshima-ICAN Academy on Nuclear Weapons and Global Security

Street address:10-52, Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, 7308511, Japan
