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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Hiroshima Report 202320. Kazakhstan ■Non-Nuclear-Weapon State

Nuclear Disarmament 34.5 Points Full Points 48 71.9%
Kazakhstan has actively advocated for the importance of the CTBT. It voted for the UNGA Resolutions regarding nuclear disarmament, and has expressed approval of issues regarding the humanitarian dimensions and legal prohibition of nuclear weapons. It is a state party to the TPNW, and proactively addresses promotion of victim assistance and environment restoration. Kazakhstan participates in the IPNDV.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation 49 Points Full Points 61 80.3%
Kazakhstan is a state party to the Central Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty. It has acceded to the IAEA Additional Protocol, and has applied the integrated safeguards. The IAEA LEU Fuel Bank established in Kazakhstan became operational in 2017, and received the LEU shipment.
Nuclear Security 24 Points Full Points 38 63.2%
Kazakhstan has ratified all nuclear security-related conventions and established a national implementation system for A/CPPNM. They are vigorously working on HEU minimization by diluting HEU fresh fuel and converting HEU-fueled reactors to LEU-fueled reactors. The last IPPAS mission was accepted in 2012. They have participated in almost all INFCIRC initiatives. No clear position statement on the prohibition of attacks against nuclear facilities could be confirmed.
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