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Hiroshima for Global Peace

NPT2024Results of Participation in the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2026 NPT Review Conference

1  Overall Overview

  From July 21 to 27, 2024, Governor Yuzaki visited Geneva to attend the second session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2026 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. During this period, he explained peace initiatives taken by Hiroshima Prefecture and the Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace (HOPe) and worked to promote the movement toward nuclear abolition. In addition, members of the Hiroshima Prefectural Assembly participated in the session of the Preparatory Committee and the side events organized by Hiroshima Prefecture.

【Schedule】  July 21, 2024 – July 27, 2024
【Place】 Geneva, Switzerland


〇 Hositing side event “Looking Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: Insights and Deliberations towards a World without Nuclear Weapons ” (July 24, 2024)

〇 Co- hosting side event “Advancing the Global Agenda of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World  “(July 24, 2024)

○ Breifing session for Permanent Missions in Geneva (July 23, 2024)

○ Bannar Display at the venue of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2026 NPT Review Conference

〇 Outreach Activities toward Relevant Parties from the U.N. and Various Countries (July 23, 2024 – July 26, 2024)

(a)Ambassador ICHIKAWA Tomiko (Permanent Representative of Japan to the Conference on Disarmament)

(b)Ambassador Bruce Turner(U.S. Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament)

(c)Ambassador Akan Rakhmetullin (Chair of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 11th Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons)

(d)Ambassador Thomas Goebel(Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Conference on Disarmament

(e)Ambassador Francisca Elizabeth Mendez Escobar(Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva)

(f)Ambassador Christian Guillermet Fernandez(Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Costa Rica to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva)

(g)Ms. Carolyne Melanie Regimbal(Chief of Service of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs’ Geneva Office)

(h)Mr. Nikhil Seth(UN Assistant Secretary-General,Executive Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research)

(i)Dr. Andras Szorenyi(Senior Policy Advisor, Gobal Cities Hub)

2  Main Activities

Outreach Activities at the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2026 NPT Review Conference

During the period of the Preparatory Committee, Hiroshima Prefecture and HOPe held two side events, a briefing session for ambassadors to the UN in Geneva and the Permanent Missions of state parties, and a banner exhibition to introduce initiatives of Hiroshima Prefecture and HOPe. Moreover, we met leading figures of the Preparatory Committee in person to gain their support for initiatives of Hiroshima Prefecture.

Side event “Looking Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: Insights and Deliberations towards a World without Nuclear Weapons ”

To build a world without nuclear weapons, it is indispensable to establish a security system that does not rely on nuclear deterrence. Based on the findings of the studies that Hiroshima Prefecture and HOPe have worked in partnership with leading research institutions around the world, we held discussions with experts in this field regarding alternative security systems that do not rely on nuclear deterrence.

Side event “Looking Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: Insights and Deliberations towards a World without Nuclear Weapons ”

【Date】July 24, 2024 10:15~11:45
【Venue】Room XXIII(The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG))
【Host】Hiroshima Prefecture/HOPe
【Theme】Looking Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: Insights and Deliberations Towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons

Moderator : Dr. Akiyama Nobumasa(Professor, The School of International and Public Policy, Hitotsubashi University)

Panelists :
・Dr. Tytti Erasto (Senior Researcher,Weapons of Mass Destruction Programme, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute(SIPRI))
・Mr. Lukasz Kulesa (Director, Proliferation and Nuclear Policy, The Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI))
・Dr. Polina Sinovets(Head and Founder, Odesa Center for Nonproliferation (OdCNP))


・71 participants (Including 22 participants from Hiroshima Prefecture Assembly)

【Main Discussion Points】

  • We studied whether the security policies of the U.S. allies covered by the U.S. extended nuclear deterrence (the so-called umbrella states) match their security concerns and assessed their current military force, including that of conventional force. The study revealed that there is no need to increase the dependence on nuclear weapons and that there are many means for umbrella states to take in order to reduce their nuclear dependence, such as the adoption of a no-first-use policy.
  • The roles of nuclear weapons are not only to deter nuclear attacks but also to prevent extensive attacks by conventional weapons, to ensure the safety of allies, and to enhance their international status and prestige. It is therefore important to diminish the security role played by nuclear weapons and lower the prestige that such weapons are believed to provide toward a world without nuclear weapons.
  • In its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has tactfully taken advantage of its nuclear arsenal. The country uses it to prevent interventions by third-party countries and control the supply of weapons by member states of NATO. To control and deter counteractions, Russia exploits its nuclear stockpiles militarily, politically, and psychologically. Accordingly, the way the war ends will determine the future of nuclear deterrence.
  • Since the nuclear deterrence theory is based on various assumptions, it is important to push supporters of the theory to explain more precisely how nuclear deterrence actually impacts adversaries in the way of their believed political narrative.

Side event “Advancing the Global Agenda of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World “

To build a world without nuclear weapons, discussions were held from the viewpoints of international security, humanitarianism, and global sustainability, involving various stakeholders, including policy-makers, researchers, young people, and UN ambassadors. Among those, Governor Yuzaki explained Hiroshima Prefecture’s initiatives to support hibakusha and the importance of promoting nuclear abolition from the viewpoint of global sustainability.

Side event “Advancing the Global Agenda of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World “

【Date】July 24, 2024 13:15~14:30
【Venue】Room XXII(The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG))
【Host】Government of Austria
【Co-hosts】 UNITAR, Hiroshima Prefectural Government,Nagasaki Prefectural Government
【Theme】Advancing the Global Agenda of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World

Moderator:Mr. Nikhil Seth (United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Executive Director, UNITAR)

・Ambassador Desiree Schweitzer, (Permanent Representative of Austria)
・ Mr. YUZAKI Hidehiko (Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture,President of Hiroshima Organizationfor Global Peace (HOPe))
・ Prof. HIKAWA Kazuko(Vice Director of Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition,Nagasaki University)
・ Ms. Vanessa Canola (Participant of the UNODA’s first cohort of the Youth Leader Fund (YLF)for a World without Nuclear Weapons)


・84 participants (Including 22 participants from Hiroshima Prefecture Assembly)

【 Main Discussion Points 】

  • In the face of the dangerous dynamism of nuclear escalation, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) shows a path toward the elimination of nuclear weapons and convincing grounds for it. A study commissioned by the Austrian government and released at the former session of the Preparatory Committee provides an overview of the latest studies on nuclear weapons and their influence, with a particular focus on the risks and humanitarian impact of their use. The study had the aim of deepening understanding of the complex outcomes and risks of the use of nuclear weapons and promoting diplomatic activities based on facts and scientific grounds.
  • All problems we face, such as nuclear issues, the division within the international community, armed conflict, and environmental destruction, are caused by our economic system, featuring competition and the pursuit of profit. By changing our society into one that prioritizes values such as human dignity, solidarity, democracy, and social and ecological sustainability, we will be able to address all such problems.
  • To cope with the threat to human survival, we must determine our future path by involving young people. We must provide them with opportunities to grow themselves and step forward. We must develop their potential and reflect their perspectives. To this end, we must build a system to listen to them and evaluate their views fairly.

Breifing session for Permanent Missions in Geneva

In a joint effort with Nagasaki Prefecture, we held a briefing session for Ambassadors to the UN in Geneva responsible for disarmament and members of the Permanent Missions of state parties. To seek their understanding and cooperation, we explained the interconnectedness between nuclear issues and global sustainability.

Breifing session for Permanent Missions in Geneva

【Date】July 23, 2024
【Venue】Room  XXVI (The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG))

【Speakers】Mr. YUZAKI Hidehiko (Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture,President of Hiroshima Organizationfor Global Peace (HOPe))
Ms. BABA Yuko(Vice Governor of Nagasaki Prefecture)
Mr. SHIMADA Kunihiko( Principal Director of HOPe)
Prof. HIKAWA Kazuko(Vice Director of Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition,Nagasaki University)

【Participants】 13 countries

【 Comments and questions 】

  • It is important to continue to advocate the common goals shared by people aspiring to world peace.
  • By promoting awareness of the humanitarian impact of the use of a nuclear weapon, we can show scientific grounds for controlling nuclear deterrence policies and reducing associated risks.
  • In addition to the visions presented at the briefing, it is necessary to show specific goals, a roadmap toward 2045, and an approach planned to be taken on the assumption of further development.

Outreach Activities toward Relevant Parties from the U.N. and Various Countries (July 23, 2024 – July 26, 2024)

During the stay, Governor Yuzaki had meetings with key players engaged in the operation of the Second Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the NPT Review Conference, as well as with relevant parties from various countries. We explained and sought support for the three approaches of Hiroshima Prefecture and HOPe toward nuclear abolition. At the same time, we encouraged the members to advance nuclear disarmament during the session.

Bannar Display at the venue of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2026 NPT Review Conference(July 22, 2024 – July 26, 2024)

During the session period, we held a banner exhibition to introduce initiatives of Hiroshima Prefecture and HOPe in a gallery where many visitors to the venue walked through.
At the exhibition, the governor explained the initiatives of Hiroshima Prefecture and HOPe to Mr. Masahiro Komura, Japan’s Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs.

3  Achievements

< Contribution to the Second Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the NPT Review Conference >

  • While the discussions held at the Preparatory Committee for the NPT Review Conference were in a difficult state, at the side events, where we held discussions among specialists, and the briefing session for government members, we were able to advocate the vital importance of nuclear disarmament and abolition. We stressed the importance from the following two viewpoints: global sustainability and a new security system that does not rely on nuclear weapons.

< Increase of Supporters >

  • From participants in the side events, including many young people, and parties related to the session, we were able to gain support for our approach to nuclear issues from the viewpoint of global sustainability. We were also given practical suggestions for our activities to include nuclear abolition in the post-SDGs.

< Project on alternative security to nuclear deterrence >

  • In terms of the research project on envisioning an alternative security system to the one that relies on nuclear deterrence, we were able to hold face-to-face meetings with UN ambassadors and other leading figures. Through the discussions, we were able to gain their understanding of and support for our approach and the need for such a system.

< Reinforcement of Information Dissemination from the A-bombed Areas >

  • As in 2023, Hiroshima and Nagasaki prefectures organized one of the side events in a joint effort. In addition, members of both prefectures had meetings with the parties involved in organizing the NPT Preparatory Committee. Working with Nagasaki Prefecture was effective in stressing the importance of advancing nuclear disarmament and abolition.
  • Dispatching members of the Prefectural Assembly was effective in showing that people in Hiroshima are united in efforts to build a peaceful world without nuclear weapons.

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