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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Peace Crossword Puzzle

Crossword clues can be found in the Hiroshima for Global Peace articles!
Solve each of the DOWN and ACROSS questions and fill in the crossword.
Please use the online form below (member registration required) to submit the word that can be made by assembling the letters (a to j) in the crossword. Everyone who enters will receive a photograph relating to peace in Hiroshima as a gift (note that only members are qualified to enter).

There are plenty of hints waiting to be found by reading the “Hiroshima for Global Peace” articles.

Entry deadline: by 17:00 February 1st, 2021.

* The entry is closed. Thank you very much for your participation !

* A photo will be sent by email once the application at Hiroshima for Global Peace is confirmed.

Note: The administrative office will be closed from December 29 to January 3.

Please click the image and print it out.

Crossword Clues



A tower built directly next to the Atomic Bomb Dome with the concept of feeling the preciousness of peace by seeing Hiroshima in its current form. What is the name of the twoer?


Orizuru Tower | Hiroshima for Global Peace (


As president of the United States, he was the first to visit Hiroshima since WWII in his role at the time, and the former president who appealed to the world for the abolition of nuclear weapons. His name is “Barack XXXXX.”


Message from Barack Obama (Former President of the United States) | Hiroshima for Global Peace (


A Chinese juniper was planted at Senda Elementary School in Naka-ku, Hiroshima City. The musical instrument made from this tree bombed in the war is currently played by the children of Senda Elementary School to convey the importance of peace through its tones. What is the musical instrument?


Atomic bombed trees, pan flute and choir | Hiroshima for Global Peace (


A tree that was bombed in the garden of the former Hiroshima Post and Telecommunication Bureau, 1300 meters away from the hypocenter, but blossomed the following year and is said to have given encouragement to people. What is the name of the tree?


Think about peace from atomic bombed buildings and trees | Hiroshima for Global Peace (



During the Hiroshima Carp’s first overseas match (1945), a local Filipino newspaper reported the game on a daily basis and described the team as “the XXXXXXXX ambassadors of Japan.”


Column: Hiroshima Carp: The Citizens’ Baseball Team, and a Guidepost to Reconstruction | Hiroshima for Global Peace (


What is the name of a professional baseball team that was formed in Hiroshima in September 28, 1949 and became a symbol of reconstruction just four years after the atomic bomb was dropped?


Hiroshima and Carp, who has shared history | Hiroshima for Global Peace (


The Czech architect who designed the current Atomic Bomb Dome, the “Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall,” is known as Jan XXXXXX. Roses associated with him are also planted in the Peace Memorial Park

(Hint) Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Rose 2nd | Hiroshima for Global Peace -Towards World Peace without Nuclear Weapons) (


The world’s first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in August 6, 1945 and what is the name of the bridge that is said to have been the target at the time?

(Hint) II The Atomic Bombing | Hiroshima for Global Peace -Towards World Peace without Nuclear Weapons) (


What is the name of the island that served as Japan’s chemical weapons manufacturing base from 1929 to 1945 that disappeared from the map? Currently known as “Rabbit Island” it attracts many visitors.


The Island Erased from the Map, Okunoshima | Hiroshima for Global Peace (


Constructed in 1929 as the Taisho-ya Kimono Shop, it was later bombed. The “Peace Memorial Park XXXXXXXXX” which was renewed after the renovation work was completed in July 2020.


The Rest House of Peace Memorial Park is re-opened | Hiroshima for Global Peace (


  • The entry is closed. Thank you very much for your participation ! 

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The Answer


1)Orizuru Tower








D)Aioi bridge


F)Rest house

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