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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Cosmic Co. Ltd.

Want to Protect the “Now” and “Future” of the Global Environment in a Simple Way?

A trainee from Togo is learning C-Ceramics technology.

Cosmic Co. Ltd. has developed Tadanoumi Ceramics® that enhances the vitality of living things. The combination of water and Tadanoumi Ceramics® improves skin roughness, increases crop yields, improves contaminated water quality, and solves many other problems. Specifically, it has been reported that the product increased the crop yield about twofold, successfully reduced the use of pesticides, which are a great enemy of health, and improved the quality of crops. The company also provides technical assistance to poor countries to solve their environmental problems. It also helps the development of young human resources who will play important roles in the future. In September 2019, the company started to accept trainees from Togo (West Africa) to help them to acquire knowledge and know-how on the benefits of C-Ceramics and its manufacturing method. In the future, the company will conduct research with universities and other companies to spread ceramics technology globally and realize a society where all people can live a healthy and safe life.


SDG-oriented features

Cosmic Co. Ltd., with its technology to create highly regenerative water, has the great advantage of being able to approach all of the 17 goals of SDGs. The simple process of putting a tablet of Tadanoumi Ceramics® in water can be the first easy step to solve environmental problems. Cosmic believes that this step can have a great effect on medicine, healthcare, beauty, and the environment not only by improving the current problems but also protecting the future of the children to come.

Cosmic Co. Ltd.
4-1-40 Enichi-cho, Mihara City

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