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Hiroshima for Global Peace

The Ruins of “KONAN Dormitory” – Exchange Students from Southeast Asian Countries During WWII

In Ote-machi. Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, there is a memorial of the ruins of “KONAN Dormitory.” The dormitory was for exchange students from Southeast Asian countries between 1944 and 1945. They were students at the Hiroshima University of Literature and Science or the Hiroshima Higher Normal School.

They were also victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

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The memorial of the ruins of “KONAN Dormitory”.

Exchange Students from Southeast Asian Countries

Exchange students from Southeast Asian Countries, “Nampo Tokubetsu Ryugakusei” in Japanese, were the first foreign students sponsored by the Japanese government. At that time, Japan had a plan to establish the “Greater East Asia Co-prosperit Sphere,” and these students were selected from Southeast Asian countries to become leaders of said sphere. For this purpose, 205 youth came to Japan between 1943 and 1944. The Hiroshima Higher Normal School, one of Hiroshima University’s predecessors was known as the top school in the field of education in western Japan. Due to its reputation, many excellent students gathered there, including an increasing number of exchange students. The Hiroshima University of Literature and Science was founded in 1929. Both the Hiroshima Higher Normal School and Hiroshima University of Literature and Science were among the main schools to accept exchange students from Southeast Asian countries. 20 students enrolled in the Hiroshima Higher Normal School in 1944, and 9 students entered Hiroshima University of Literature and Science in 1945 (5 which were graduates of the Hiroshima Higher Normal School).

The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

When the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima at 8:15 am, August 6, 1945, there were 9 exchange students enrolled in Hiroshima University of Literature and Science. Except one student who was hospitalized at the time in the suburbs of Hiroshima City, all students were exposed to the bombing. Four students were exposed at the school (Higashi senda-machi), 1.5km from the hypocenter, and four students were exposed at the dormitory, 900 meters from the hypocenter.

The Exchange Students post-WWII

The students returned from Japan to their home countries in the middle of their studies due to the end of WWII. After the war, they played a leading role in various fields of their countries and also contributed to establish the friendship between Japan and their countries. The students exposed to the bombing told their testimonies in their homelands, and held multiple A-bomb exhibitions to deliver a message of peace.

It can be said that it is the mission of our generation to pass on both their aspirations to study, and their message for peace.



『被爆した南方特別留学生への名誉博士号授与の記録』広島大学 (“Hibakushita Nampo Tokubetsu Ryugakusei heno Meiyo Hakasego Jyuyo no Kiroku”, Hiroshima University)

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