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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Hiroshima-ICAN Academy on Nuclear Weapons and Global Security 2022 – Hiroshima Session Day 2

 On the second day of the Hiroshima session, five A-bomb survivors, Ms. Yoshiko Kajimoto, Mr. So Horie, Ms. Fumiko Araki, Mr. Kazuhiko Futagawa, and Ms. Chiyo Miyazaki, a family member of an A-bomb survivor, were invited as guests to talk to the participants about the day of the bombing and the discrimination they suffered afterwards. The participants listened to the real in-person accounts from the A-bomb survivors themselves, and afterwards made comments such as “In addition to the reality of the atomic bombing that I felt at Peace Memorial Park on the first day, I learned more about the reality of the time of the bombing.

 In the afternoon, Ms. Miyu Yamaguchi of the Nagasaki Youth Delegation 2021 gave a presentation on peace efforts in Nagasaki. Then Ms. Beti Racule, a guest from the Marshall Islands, gave a presentation on the damage caused by the US hydrogen bomb tests in the Marshall Islands. And Professor Seiichiro Takemine of Meisei University gave a lecture on nuclear testing in the South Pacific region and nuclear security.

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