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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Hiroshima Junior International Forum


Hiroshima Prefecture hosts the Hiroshima Junior International Forum, in order to cultivate the next generation of leaders by having domestic and international high school students discuss global peace, engage with one another, and send a message of peace to the world.


◆Sponsor: Hiroshima Prefecture

◆Theme: How can I contribute to the realization of world peace?
(Initiatives to abolish nuclear weapons, reconstruction, and peacebuilding)

◆Contents: (Varies by year)
Approx. 4-5 days (Usually in August)
Orientation, team-building, tour of Peace Memorial Park, hibakusha (A-bomb survivor) testimony
Lectures and group discussion (Themes: nuclear weapons abolition, reconstruction and peacebuilding etc.)
Create and present the Hiroshima Declaration

◆Participants: (Varies by year)
Japanese high school students: Approx. 40
International high school students: Approx. 20-40


Most Recent Academy

9th Forum (2024)



Past Academies

th Forum (2023)

Forum Results



7th Forum (2022) Online

Forum Results



th Forum (2021) Online

Forum Results


th Forum (2020) Online

Forum Results


th Forum (2019) Online

Forum Results

th Forum (2018) Online

Forum Results

th Forum (2017) Online

Forum Results

th Forum (2016) Online

Forum Results


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