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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Hiroshima Report 201812. Brazil (Non-Nuclear-Weapon State)

Points / Full Points (%)

Nuclear Disarmament

27/42 (64.3%)

Brazil has played a leading role for adopting the TPNW. It voted for most of the UNGA Resolutions regarding nuclear disarmament.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation

43/61 (70.5%)

Brazil is also a state party to the Latin America Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty. While it complies with nuclear non-proliferation obligations, Brazil continues to be reluctant about accepting the IAEA Additional Protocol. It considers that the conclusion of an Additional Protocol should be voluntary.

Nuclear Security

28/41 (68.3%)

Brazil has signed a CPPNM Amendment and has undertaken the development of counter-terrorism legislation. In 2017 Brazil managed and removed high-level radioactive substances in the country, and held a regional training course on computer security organized by IAEA.

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