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Hiroshima for Global Peace

15. Egypt ■Non-Nuclear-Weapon State

Nuclear Disarmament 14.5 Points Full Points 42 34.5%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2020: +1
Egypt voted for most of the UNGA Resolutions regarding nuclear disarmament, and has expressed approval regarding issues on the humanitarian dimensions and legal prohibition of nuclear weapons. However, it has not yet signed the TPNW, nor has it actively engaged in promotion of nuclear disarmament. Furthermore, Egypt has not ratified the CTBT. It expressed the sense of urgency regarding standstill and deterioration of nuclear disarmament on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the entry into force of the NPT.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation 37 Points Full Points 61 60.7%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2020: 0
Egypt has been active toward establishing a WMD-free zone in the Middle East, including an initiative to convene the UN conference on a WMD-free zone in the Middle East. Meanwhile, it has yet to conclude the IAEA Additional Protocol. Egypt has made efforts toward, inter alia, putting export control legislation in place and setting enforcement agencies. Still, its export controls remain at an insufficient level, due to a lack of introduction of important elements including development of list control and catch-all control provisions. While signing, it has not yet ratified the Africa Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty.
Nuclear Security 13 Points Full Points 41 31.7%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2020: 0
Egypt has not completed the ratification of some conventions relevant to nuclear security, and there is room for improvement. Egypt has worked towards completing the development of legislation regarding restriction of moving of nuclear materials and radioactive sources. Egypt held the national workshop on nuclear security culture of IAEA in 2020.
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