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Hiroshima for Global Peace

33. Syria ■Non-Nuclear-Weapon State

Nuclear Disarmament 9 Points Full Points 42 21.4%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2020: +0.5
Syria voted for most of the UNGA Resolutions related to the humanitarian dimensions, as well as legal prohibition of nuclear weapons. However, Syria, which has not signed the TPNW or the CTBT, and abstained the UNGA Resolution calling its earlier entry into force. It has not actively engaged in promotion of nuclear disarmament.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation 21 Points Full Points 61 34.4%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2020: 0
Syria has yet to address and resolve the allegation of constructing a clandestine nuclear power plant, despite repeated requests by the IAEA. Syria has not concluded the IAEA Additional Protocol, and has yet to take appropriate measures on export controls.
Nuclear Security 8 Points Full Points 41 19.5%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2020: 0
Syria ratified the CPPNM/A in 2019. Ratification of the ICSANT hasn’t been completed yet. Enough information on Syria nuclear security efforts has not been made available. Therefore, the status of Syria’s such efforts, including introducing recommended measures of INFCIRC/225/Rev.5, remains to be unknown.
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