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Hiroshima for Global Peace

32. Switzerland ■Non-Nuclear-Weapon State

Nuclear Disarmament 24 Points Full Points 42 57.1%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2021:+2
Switzerland argues that it cannot sign the TPNW in its present form. However, it stated that it would participate in its first Meeting of the States Parties as an observer state. It has engaged in promoting the CTBT’s entry into force, and developing its verification systems. It has also taken a proactive attitude regarding cooperation with civil society. Switzerland participates in the IPNDV. It enacted national laws which restrict financing for nuclear weapons production.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation 52 Points Full Points 61 85.2%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2021:0
Switzerland acceded to the IAEA Additional Protocol, and for the first time applied the integrated safeguards. It has engaged in non-proliferation, including the establishment of solid export control systems. It submitted a report based on the Guidelines for the Management of Plutonium to the IAEA.
Nuclear Security 34 Points Full Points 41 82.9%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2021:+1
Switzerland has ratified all conventions relevant to nuclear security. It has introduced recommended measures of INFCIRC/225/Rev.5. Switzerland has been placing importance in enhancing computer security measures based on the outcome of IPPAS mission that they received in 2018. It has also been involved in various international efforts.
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