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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Sending ”Hiroshima Watch 2024″ to the member states of the United Nations

On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the Hiroshima Prefectural Government and the Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace (HOPe) dispatched the “Hiroshima Watch 2024,” accompanied by a letter from the Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture. This missive was sent to all 193 member states and 2 regions of the United Nations, including Japan.

The purpose of this transmission is to monitor the status of each state’s fulfillment of obligations concerning nuclear risk reduction and nuclear disarmanship. It will also assess the commitments that each state has pledged to uphold. Based on these evaluations, we aim to identify necessary future actions and encourage each state to take them.

*What is “Hiroshima Watch”?

In his letter, the Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture, as an appeal from the A-bombed city of Hiroshima, clarifies the responsibility of nuclear weapon states, states under the nuclear umbrella, and other concerned states for the abolition of nuclear weapons and nuclear disarmament. The Governor calls on each state to take decisive action toward the abolition of nuclear weapons, and also requests each state to take concrete steps towards establishing a peaceful international society free of nuclear weapons.

Letter from the Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture

Hiroshima Watch 2024

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