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Hiroshima for Global Peace

2017WBCWP2017 World Business Conference for World Peace Mini Forum

-Striving for World Peace through Multi-stakeholder
and Partnership Arrangements in the SDGs-


Conference Overview

This September, a Mini Forum of the World Business Conference for World Peace will convene, entitled “Striving for World Peace through Multi-stakeholder and Partnership Arrangements in the SDGs”. This conference will bring together businesses, NGOs and various other stakeholders, with a goal to achieve global sustainable development and peace, to hammer out Professor Philip Kotler’s proposal and a joint communiqué made at the 2016 World Business Conference for World Peace, which convened in October 2016.

SDGsにおけるマルチステイクホルダー・パートナーシップを通して国際平和の実現へ SDGsにおけるマルチステイクホルダー・パートナーシップを通して国際平和の実現へ SDGsにおけるマルチステイクホルダー・パートナーシップを通して国際平和の実現へ

Date and Time

Friday, September 1, 2017
9:30AM to 7:00PM


Higashi-Senda Innovative Research Center, Hiroshima University
(1-1-89 Higashisendamachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City)

Sponsored by

Hiroshima Prefecture

How to Get to the Venue

Proposal from Prof. Kotler

  1. Reducing of amount of weapons, including nuclear weapons
  2. Reducing the amount of hatred
  3. Increasing the amount of love

“Peace-making” through these actions is required for world peace.

Communique for Development of a Sustainable Platform for Peace Dialogue

The Steering Committee of the World Business Conference for World Peace and the participants of the Conference, in hoping to build a sustainable platform for peace dialogue in Hiroshima, propose to the Conference Standing Committee and the Hiroshima Prefectural Government, that:


1.The World Business Conference for World Peace continue to be held in the future.

2.A Track2 (businesses and NGO/NPOs) Community for peace dialogue based in Hiroshima be developed and maintained through the following means:

  (1) Creation of a Secretariat and a Foundation with a mission to maintain and support the Track2 Community

  (2) Creation of a “Marketing Peace” Laboratory

  (3) Reinforcement of Hiroshima’s information outreach and dissemination capabilities as a Global Peace Hub

3.Hiroshima’s research capabilities for peace be strengthened and accumulated.




Opening Ceremony

Address: Hidehiko Yuzaki, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture
Keynote Lecture: Jerry White, holder of the Nobel Peace Prize and Senior Ashoka Fellow


Pre-Session Address

“Pursuing Peace through the SDGs,” Kaoru Nemoto, Director, United Nations Information Centre



Peace and Finance (SDGs Nos. 8, 12, 13, 17)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were born in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, as a reaction against forms of capitalism that focus too narrowly on return to investors. As the business world moves increasingly toward contributing to peace through a more sustainable, inclusive brand of capitalism, leaders of sectors essential for peace, including the United Nations, private enterprises, investors and local NGOs, are meeting under one roof to explore paths toward peace through finance.



Peace and Technology (SDG No. 9)

Much of modern technology has grown against a background of research and development for military applications. In recent years, however, research and development efforts have been turned toward digital technologies useful in conflict prevention and conflict resolution. This colloquy aims to bring to the fore the multifaceted relationships between peace and technology.



Peace and Media (SDGs Nos. 16, 17)

Media can be used to promote peace or to hinder it. This discussion examines the stances and methods media should adopt in the effort to achieve peace, explores how a wide range of stakeholders currently make use of media, and examines the actions that need to be taken today.



Peace and the Environment (presented in parallel with 5) (SDGs Nos. 7, 13, 14, 15)

This discussion begins with a review of the ways in which global warming and other harmful environmental developments threaten world peace and how cooperative efforts to protect the environment can contribute to world peace. The colloquy then moves toward a discussion of the wide range of cross-sector efforts to protect the environment being undertaken by national and international agencies, enterprises and other private-sector operators.



Peace and Global Health(presented in parallel with 4)(SDGs Nos. 3, 6)

Following confirmation of the frameworks by which improvements in global health can prevent international conflict and contribute to global peace, this discussion focuses on the role of enterprises and other private-sector operators in global health, as well as the new partnerships arising in this field.



Achieving the SDGs by Spreading Hiroshima’s Spirit of Peace to the World (SDG No. 17)

This colloquy fleshes out the issues in peace common to developing and developed countries by reassessing the problem-solving experience of Hiroshima on a global scale. By sharing the experiences of Hiroshima and extrapolating them onto a global scale, this discussion attempts to elucidate the path toward achieving the SDGs.




Participants will divide up into groups to discuss themes such as “Creating SDG-oriented Businesses” and “Peace and Diversity.”


Conference Results

Opening Address

Hidehiko Yuzaki Governor, Hiroshima Prefecture


Keynote Address by Jerry White “Game-Changing Leadership in a Complex World”



Jerry White
Nobel Peace Prize 1997 co-recipient and Ashoka Senior Fellow

Before Entering the Sessions
“Promoting Peace through the SDGs”

根本 かおる


Kaoru Nemoto
Director, United Nations Information Centre

Session1 Peace and Finance

加治 慶光松原 稔秦 則明稲場 雅紀


Yoshimitsu Kaji
Director of Marketing & Communications, Accenture Japan

Minoru Matsubara
Group Leader, Responsible Investment Group, Asset Management Division, Resona Bank, Limited

Noriaki Shin
Manager, External Affairs Planning Department, Government & External Relations Division, Hitachi, Ltd.

Masaki Inaba
Executive Director, Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs



Session2 Peace and Technology

長倉 克枝 金子 将史 藤井 宏一郎 金野 索一 大髙 準一郎



Katsue Nagakura
Science Writer

Masahumi Kaneko
Senior Research Fellow, PHP Research Institute, Inc.

Sakuichi Konno

Chief Executive Officer, EdoTec Global
Specially Appointed Professor, Tama Graduate School of Business

Ko Fujii
Founder & CEO, Makaira

Junichiro Otaka
Director, International Science Cooperation Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan


Session3 Peace and Media

根本 かおる 古田 大輔 堀 圭一 山口 琢也



Kaoru Nemoto
Director, United Nations Information Centre

Daisuke Furuta
Founding Editor, BuzzFeed Japan Corporation

Hori Keiichi
Director, RUSI Japan

Takuya Yamaguchi
Operating Officer and Head of Public Policy, Facebook Japan




Session4 Peace and the Environment

石垣 友明 小西 雅子 加藤 茂夫 林田 昌也 日比 保史



Tomoaki Ishigaki
Director, Climate Change Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Masako Konishi
Deputy Director, Conservation Department, WWF Japan
Specially Appointed Professor, Showa Women’s University

Shigeo Kato

Corporate Vice President and General Manager of Sustainability Management Division, Ricoh Company Ltd.

Masaya Hayashida
Executive Officer and General Manager of CSV Management Department, Kirin Company, Limited

Yasushi Hibi

Representative Director, Conservation International Japan




Session5 Peace and Global Health

末松 弥奈子 戸田 隆夫 赤名 正臣 水野 達男 鹿角 契



Sayako Kanamori
Specially Appointed Associate Professor (Full-Time), Center for the Study of Co* Design, Osaka University

Takao Toda

Vice President for Human Security and Global Health, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Masatomi Akana

Vice President for Corporate Affairs and Global Value & Access, Eisai Co., Ltd.

Tatsuo Mizuno

Managing Director and Executive Director, Malaria No More Japan

Kei Katsuno

Director, Investment Strategy & Development, Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT Fund)




Session6 Achieving the SDGs by Spreading Hiroshima’s Spirit of Peace to the World

末松 弥奈子根本 かおる 平本 督太郎 湯野川 孝彦 関 治之 和田 徳之



Minako Suematsu
Senior Managing Director for Creating Shared Value Development,
Tsuneishi Holdings Corporation

Kaoru Nemoto

Director, United Nations Information Centre


Tokutaro Hiramoto

Lecturer, Management Systems Department,
College of Informatics and Human Communication,
Kanazawa Institute of Technology
President and SDGs Business Executive Producer,
BoP Global Network Japan

Takahiko Yunokawa

CEO, SuRaLa Net Co., Ltd.

Haruyuki Seki

President, Code for Japan

Tokuyuki Wada

Representative, next Hiroshima Executive Committee
Representative Director, Wa-Daichi Co., Ltd.




Workshop1 Creating SDG-oriented Businesses

平本 督太郎



Tokutaro Hiramoto

Lecturer, Management Systems Department, College of Informatics and Human Communication, Kanazawa Institute of Technology
President and SDGs Business Executive Producer, BoP Global Network Japan


(LGBT)Workshop2 Peace and Diversity(LGBT)

松中 権 平本 督太郎 岩附 由香



Gon Matsunaka
Representative, good aging yells

Jun Hori
Representative, 8bitNews
CEO, Garden Inc.

Yuka Iwatsuki
President, ACE

Workshop3 Peace and the Sharing Economy

佐別当 隆志



Takashi Sabetto
Executive Manager, Secretariat, Sharing Economy Association, Japan


Workshop4 New Social and Local Trends

藤沢 烈 井上 貴至 今井 紀明 木村 真樹



Retz Fujisawa
Representative Director, RCF

Takashi Inoue

Former Deputy Town Mayor, Nagashima Town Office

Noriaki Imai

Director, D×P

Masaki Kimura

CEO, Aichi Community Foundation
CEO, Community Youth Bank momo


Closing Address

Hidehiko Yuzaki



2016 Conference Digest




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Hiroshima Prefectural Office

Street address:10-52, Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken, 730-8511



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