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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Panel Exhibition at Humboldt University of Berlin and Interaction Event at the Mori Ôgai Memorial

  For the two days from Friday, December 1 to Saturday, December 2, 2023, the program participants held a panel exhibition regarding the G7 Hiroshima Summit and the reality of the atomic bombing at Humboldt University of Berlin. They also enabled the atomic bombing to be experienced via VR.


The participants explained the displayed materials to local visitors in English. Drawing approximately 300 visitors for the two days, the exhibition served as a good opportunity to report to people in a wide range of generations the achievements of the G7 Hiroshima Summit, the reality of the atomic bombing, and Hiroshima Prefecture’s peace efforts.

After visiting Humboldt University on Friday, the 1st, the participants attended an exchange event with local students at the Mori Ôgai Memorial.
 At the event, Shizuku Yamashima and Hanna Mochizuki gave presentations on their respective peace efforts. Ms. Yamashima spoke about her experience and impressions of running a tour to historic sites related to peace for tourists in Hiroshima. Meanwhile, Ms. Mochizuki talked about her research that aims to make peace efforts significant and about the importance of peace education, etc.

In the discussion after the presentations, various opinions were exchanged actively regarding, for example, what young people can do to help achieve international peace as the number of people who have experienced war is decreasing, as well as the significance of war-affected countries looking not only at the damage that they have suffered but also the harm that they have inflicted.

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