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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Hiroshima-ICAN Academy Day 3

The participants visited UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research ) Hiroshima Office that is the only UN organ in the Chugoku-Shikoku regions Japan. They learned eduction/training and the UN. They also visited Chugoku Shimbun (Local newspaper company) to learn the role of media. 

The participants paid a courtesy call on Mayor of Hiroshima City, Mr. Kazumi Matsui. Mayor Matsui told them, ” Hibakusha don’t want anyone to experience as they did and take activities toward the abolition of nuclear weapons”. He also said, “City of Hiroshima has a role to support such Hibakusha. And the monument of the cenotaph for the A-bomb Victims is inscribed with the words, “Let all the souls here rest in peace, for we shall not repeat the evil””. He asked the participants to take actions toward the abolition of nuclear weapons with Hibakusha’s principle of actions, trust and discuss with people.

<Schedule of Day3> 

UNITAR visit Disarmament education/training and the UNM

Chugoku Shimbun visit, Role of media

Hiroshima Mayor and Mayors for Peace Role of cities

Nuclear tests and Global Hibakusha (Professor Robert Jacobs)

Regional security and non-proliferation (Professor Nobumasa Akiyama)

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