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Hiroshima for Global Peace

2020 Hiroshima Declaration(2020 Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace )

The Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace has been held with the aim to create a truly peaceful and sustainable global society. To this end, the event has served as a venue for sharing insights on the importance of global peace as a business platform, reviewing the roles of companies, NGOs, and other entities, and discussing ways to connect business with contribution to peace from multiple angles.


The year 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing and the end of World War II. It also marks the beginning of the fight against COVID-19 and the era of living with the disease. In light of the above, and in order to achieve “positive peace,” which involves eliminating peace-threatening issues, we have gained a renewed awareness of the importance of the link between economy and peace, and have held discussions to clarify the roles that businesspeople should play and what courses of action should be taken.


Peace in the broad sense, including conservation of the natural environment, is a prerequisite for all forms of democratic, free business. Once peace and security are lost, business loses its foundation. But peace is not a given: we must actively contribute to peace and create it ourselves.


Business can contribute to tackling social challenges and creating social stability, through activities for achieving the SDGs, for example, and, in turn, contribute to the development of positive peace. Such activities do not inhibit profits, since a cycle is created whereby social peace leads to improvement of the business environment and generation of further business opportunities.


Seventy-five years have passed since Hiroshima was all but annihilated by an atomic attack. We, the participants of the 2020 Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace, have gained a renewed awareness of the importance of the link between economy and peace. From the unique standpoint of Hiroshima, in determination to contribute not only on a national but also on an international scale, and with our eyes on the 100th anniversary of the atomic bombing and the end of World Warr II, we declare our intention to take renewed action geared toward achieving positive peace, the prerequisite for all forms of democratic, free business.


Our Specific Actions
By engaging in the SDGs and actively contributing to the creation of positive peace through business activity, we will achieve a deeper level of perpetual peace among humanity based upon both material and psychological fulfillment.


[From a perspective of “Global economy and disparity issues” based on session1]

  •  Capitalism can improve the welfare of people around the world through robust economic activity. While leveraging such strengths, we will address capitalism’s potential weaknesses by incorporating the SDGs—reduction of inequalities, conservation of the natural environment, etc.—into business management and contribute to achieving positive peace. In recognition that diversity enhances social and economic resilience, we will strive to create an inclusive society and economy.
  • Aiming to achieve positive peace, we will strive to ensure that SDG- and ESG-oriented companies are recognized in financial and investment activities that support economic entities, and that such companies can be assessed appropriately by financial institutions and investors. In view of the importance and significant influence of customers in changing company behavior, we will strive to further communicate with consumers.
  • We will strive to enable SDG-oriented companies, financial institutions, and investors to fulfill their objectives in the establishment of domestic and foreign rules and regulations on economic and trade activities, and contribute to achieving positive peace.


[From a perspective of “Threats to peace from excessive industrialization/urbanization and climate changes, particularly with pandemic impact” based on session2]

  •  From the perspective of tackling COVID-19, businesspeople will bear in mind that discussion is taking place about the need for decentralization instead of conventional modes of centralization such as industrialization and urbanization, and will strive to engage in forms of business management and financial activity that focus on appropriate ways to promote social transformation while ensuring peace. Businesspeople will reaffirm the fact that communication between stakeholders is essential in order to address ever increasingly complex issues and achieve total optimization, and that appropriateness of scale (e.g. the scale of Hiroshima City and Hiroshima Prefecture in the process of reconstruction after the atomic attack) is an important factor in achieving this.
  •  In the face of the increase in damage caused by natural disasters in recent years, we will keep in mind that appropriate measures against climate change contribute to strengthening of the foundation for economic activity. To this end, it will be essential to capitalize on large-scale innovation as well as new financial functions, both public and private.
  • Some SDGs have a trade-off relationship, and the goals are interrelated. Businesspeople will, on an individual company level, aim to achieve these goals, while striving to create a win-win situation for the whole of society. We will organize the various initiatives taken at the individual level as part of the SDG movement, raise further awareness of the issues, and promote integration of the SDGs into management activity.


[From a perspective of “The role of local governments in global society” based on session3]

  •  In order to maintain peace, which is a prerequisite for economic activity, and achieve the SDGs, it is essential to develop globally-oriented businesspeople capable of contributing to peace. More specifically, we should incorporate perspectives such as scientific literacy, involvement in the local community, eradication of prejudice, and alleviation of social inequality. We intend to support public and private education systems designed to develop such individuals.
  • Diplomacy between local governments, which is closely related to civil society and the community, serves as a supplement to diplomacy between countries. Sister city relationships, among other forms of relationship-building unique to local governments, play an important role in the promotion of sustainable peace. Local governments will stay fully aware of this role and contribute to the advancement of peace.
  • As inequality continues to rise globally, we will utilize digital/online means in order to enhance educational effectiveness.


[From a perspective of “Human Security” based on special session]

  •  It used to be the responsibility of the state and its leaders to maintain security. But times have changed, and today it has become important for each individual to play a part in ensuring human security. Companies, local governments, NPOs, NGOs, and individuals must participate in the establishment of positive peace.
  •  The COVID-19 pandemic has brought preexisting issues, along with the change trends associated with them, to the fore at an accelerating rate. Our responses to unknown risks to humanity may lead to greater risks to peace. Recognizing this possibility, we will actively respond to such risks. When taking action, we will share our ethics and values with other entities and strive to achieve total optimization for all humanity.


August 8 , 2020

All participants of 2020Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace

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