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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Future Leaders' Program 2019Future Leaders’ Program 2019

2019 Program

Comments by participants

●We, who live in Hiroshima, have to convey the history and the heritage to the next generation. We, young people who lead the future, would like to realize the peaceful world through our knowledge and discussion.

●Through this program, I recognize that the most important thing for peace is education.

●This program gave me a new viewpoint and precious experiences.

●Through the overseas training, I learned the importance to understand good points of other countries and make use of it in my country

●There are people in the world who have a lot of anxieties. We should not stop learning the issues including conflicts.

●I have a dream through the overseas training.

●Through this program, I learned things that I had not recognized before.

●I deeply understand that education is a basic of sustainable development toward the world peace.

●Through the overseas training, I recognized that passive action is horrible.

●My motivation to contribute to solve the international issues is increasing.


Opening Ceremony (1st lecture (July 28))

Lecture Name: Future Image of International Human Resources

Lecturer: Professor IKEDA Hideo, Hiroshima University

●Professor IKEDA lectured the present global situation including Japan and global history. He also lectured the nature to become a global leader to contribute world peace.

Training in Hiroshima (7 times from July 28, 2019 to January 19, 2020)

World Peace (Abolition of nuclear weapons, reconstruction/ building peace)

●Lecturers are professors or researchers who work in the field of nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and reconstruction and peacebuilding. Participants received the lectures such as “Nuclear Weapons and Peace through International Relations”, “Education issues in Developing Countries”, “Civil Action toward the abolition of nuclear weapons” and “Role of the United Nation”. YUZAKI Hidehiko, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture, also gave a lecture titled “Contributing toward the abolition of nuclear weapons from Hiroshima”. Participants asked many things to lecturers.



● Participants received English lectures including speech, discussion to improve public speaking. The topics are related to peace such as terrorism, nuclear weapons, poverty and hunger, refugee, education and gender, ICRC and global warming. They could make use of English skills in overseas training.

Hiroshima Junior International Forum (August 20 – August 23)

● Participants and high school students from overseas stayed together to discuss on world peace and visit peace memorial museum. They disseminated the message to the world toward “the peaceful international community free from nuclear weapons”.

Overseas Training (January 5 – January 11, 2020)

●Overseas Training was held in Manila, Philippine. Participants visited sites working for building peace and international cooperation such as Asian Development Bank). They also visited historical sites with students in Manila and discussed on world peace and global issues.

●During the overseas training, participants posted the short report on the facebook.

Debriefing Session (February 2)

 ●Each participant presented in English the statement for a world peace. Lecturers including Professor IKEDA highly appreciated their statements and growth.

≪Statement ≫

●What can Hiroshima do for a world peace? I suggested two things what high school students can do. First, gain the skill of critical thinking. The next one is being kind and gentle to others. I strongly believe that having true experiences, being kind in our daily life and having own thoughts would be a little but a solid first step toward World Peace.

●This year, thankfully, we’ve been given so many valuable opportunities to consider what is essential for a peaceful world. In order to realize world peace, what we have to do is to learn from the pas and the cause of conflicts. We know the way to take advantage of the fact that we differ. I swear to keep working hard in order to be a genuine future leader for global peace.

●Visiting the Philippines made me realize how serious issues such as poverty and inequality in the world are occurring now. I think the youth like us can play an important role. Our important role is to share and spread the information to as many people as we can. And then one more important role, I think, is to spread and share your ideas and what you thought after you saw the serious issues with your own eyes. I believe that we should use everything we learned through this Philippine trip and overall Future Leaders’ Program for ourselves, for our societies and for our future.

●I have received many lectures throughout this program. Please think about what you really need to learn, and how you can contribute in order to achieve a peace world. I hope that someday we will be leaders in each individual field in order to achieve a “peace world”, in other word, “to live happily”

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