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Hiroshima for Global Peace

29. Saudi Arabia ■Non-Nuclear-Weapon State

Nuclear Disarmament 11 Points Full Points 42 26.2%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2020: -1
Saudi Arabia voted for most of the UNGA Resolutions regarding nuclear disarmament related to the humanitarian dimensions as well as legal prohibition of nuclear weapons. However, it has not signed the TPNW or the CTBT. It has not actively engaged in promotion of nuclear disarmament.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation 35 Points Full Points 61 57.4%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2020: 0
Saudi Arabia has not acceded to the IAEA Additional Protocol. Its national implementation regarding export controls also came up short. Saudi Arabia repeatedly stated an intention to acquire nuclear weapons depending on the situation regarding nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. With regards to IAEA safeguard, Saudi Arabia has yet to accept an amended Small Quantity Protocol. It opposes renouncing a right to conduct enrichment and reprocessing activities in negotiations on a Saudi-U.S. civil nuclear cooperation agreement.
Nuclear Security 22 Points Full Points 41 53.7%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2020: +1
Saudi Arabia has ratified all nuclear security-related conventions. Information on the status of its nuclear security measures is not enough to make an assessment. In 2020, Saudi Arabia made financial contribution to the IAEA to its establishment of a Specialized Center for Nuclear Security at Seibersdorf.
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