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Hiroshima for Global Peace

7. Israel ■Non-Party to the NPT

Nuclear Disarmament -4 Points Full Points 98 -4.1%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2021:0
Israel has consistently pursued the policy of “nuclear opacity” while being estimated to possess approximately 90 nuclear warheads. Due to such a policy, its nuclear capabilities and posture remain unclear. It has developed and deployed IRBMs and SLCMs which can load nuclear warheads. Israel has yet to ratify the CTBT. It does not declare a moratorium on production of fissile material for nuclear weapons, and abstained the UNGA resolution calling for immediate commencement of FMCT negotiations. It voted against most of the UNGA Resolutions regarding nuclear disarmament. Israel has not signed the TPNW.
Nuclear Non-Proliferation 13 Points Full Points 43 30.2%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2021:0
Israel argues that improvement of regional security is imperative for establishing a Middle East Zone Free of WMD. It voted against the UNGA resolution “Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East,” following the previous year, and has criticized strongly and rejected to participate in the Conference on the Establishment of WMD-Free Zones in the Middle East, which is led by Arab countries. At the UNGA First Committee, Israel stated the suspicion to the NPT since some of its states parties in the Middle East violate the treaty. It has established solid export control systems. Meanwhile, Israel has not acceded to the IAEA Additional Protocol.
Nuclear Security 22 Points Full Points 41 53.7%
Change compared to the Hiroshima Report 2021:-1
Israel has not ratified some conventions relevant to nuclear security and there is room for improvement. Israel has been implementing recommended measures of INFCIRC/225/Rev.5 and is involved in international efforts to strengthen nuclear security through participation in the GICNT and nuclear forensics activities. Past few years, it didn’t make new commitment in further minimize civilian HEU.
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