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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Hiroshima Junior International Forum“The 8th Hiroshima Junior International Forum “Program details for foreign high school students living in Japan

Invite foreign high school students and Japanese high school students to think about international peace, share ideas, deepen mutual understanding, and spread a message of peace around the world in order to bring about a world without nuclear weapons.


August 15(Tue)to August 18(Fri) ,2023


International Conference Center Hiroshima
(1-5 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Pref.)


What we can contribute to achieve a peaceful world.

(Initiatives toward the abolition of nuclear weapons, reconstruction and peacebuilding)

Schedule (tentative)


Program Details

August 15(Tue)

Tour of Peace Memorial Museum
Visit the Cenotaph,
Listen to an a-bomb survivor’s testimony
Keynote speech
Team building workshop
Lecture and group discussion on abolition of nuclear weapons①
Welcome reception

August 16(Wed)

Lecture and group discussion on abolition of nuclear weapons②
Lecture and group discussion on reconstruction & peace building
Draft the Hiroshima Declaration

August 17(Thu)

Tour of Hiroshima Prefecture (Miyajima)
Finalize the Hiroshima Declaration

August 18(Fri)

Preparation for the debriefing session and presentation of the Hiroshima Declaration etc.
Debriefing session and present the Hiroshima Declaration, action plan etc.


Participation fee


Costs covered by sponsor

・Transportation from residence to venue
・Lodging in Hiroshima City: 4 – 5 nights (August 14 or 15 through 18)
*In principle, students living within or near Hiroshima city will commute from their residence every day. However if it is not possible to arrive by the program’s starting time etc. lodging may be covered.
・The following costs will be covered during the program:
Printing costs, tours (admission fees, charter bus costs, etc.), meals during the program (including the
welcome reception)
*Accommodation and meals will be arranged and provided by the sponsor.

Number of participants

・Foreign high school students living in Japan  approx. 20 people

(Reference) Other participants

・Foreign high school students living overseas approx.  20 people
・Japanese high school students approx.  45 people


Application period

Applications must be received by May 31(Wed) , 2023.


 Application requirements

(1) Youth under 18 years old (preferably high school students)
(2) Highly interested in realizing international peace (the abolition of nuclear weapons etc.)
(3) Can actively participate in English discussions
(4) Can join in group activities according to the program
(5) Must attend the entire program with the exception of unavoidable circumstances
(6) Highly motivated to make use of the experiences of this program to participate in international exchanges and local activities


How to apply

(1) The following documents must be submitted to the address below (see #14) by post or e-mail.
-Application form
-Recommendation letter from your school principal
(2) You can download the application form from the Hiroshima Prefectural Government’s website.
* The office will carefully manage any personal information submitted, and will use such information only within the objectives of this program.

Application Form


Selection process

(1) Selection of participants:

After an examination of the application documents, participants will be chosen. The results of the selection will be sent to all applicants.

(2) Revocation of participant status:

Even after being selected, if a chosen participant at any time performs an action unbecoming of a participant or if a serious health issue arises, their status as a participant may be revoked.


International Affairs Division, Hiroshima Prefectural Government

10-52 Motomachi, Nakaku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, 730-8511, Japan


TEL: +81-82- 513-2361  FAX: +81-82-228-1614



You can see last year’s program report on the Hiroshima Prefectural Government’s official website




Application Form for foreign high school applicants


Information related to this page

The 7th Hiroshima Junior International Forum

Report of the 7th Hiroshima Junior International Forum

The 7th Hiroshima Junior International Forum

Online Learning Program, “Think about Peace – Hiroshima as a starting point” is available!

Hiroshima Prefecture starts the online learning program in order to develop human resource that can disseminate peace for the international society.

Online Learning Program

Inquiries about this page

International Affairs Division, Hiroshima Prefectural Government

Street address:10-52, Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken, 730-8511



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