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Hiroshima for Global Peace

The status of nuclear forces (estimated, as of January 2020)

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) who Hiroshima Prefecture signed the MOU with launches SIPRI YEARBOOK 2020 and announces the latest status of nuclear forces.

As of January 2020, the total number of nuclear stockpile is 13,400. It decreases 465 compared with the number of January 2019. As same as the last year, the U.S. and Russian nuclear stockpiles together constitute more than 90 percent of the total. Although the U.S., Russian and French nuclear stockpiles decrease, the U.K., Chinese, Indian, Pakistan, Norh Korean nuclear stockpiles increase.


Deployed warheads

Other warheads

Total inventory

(As of January 2020)

Total inventory

(As of January 2019)

U.S. 1,750 4,050 5,800 6,185
Russia 1,570 4,805 6,375 6,500
U.K. 120 95 215 200
France 280 10 290 300
China 320 320 290
India 150 150 130-140
Pakistan 160 160 150-160
Israel 90 90 80-90
North Korea [30-40] [30-40] [20-30]
Total 3,720 9,680 13,400 13,865


Please see Hiroshima Report about the status of Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security in 2019.

Hiroshima Report 2020

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