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Hiroshima for Global Peace

A Model that Grew from Confronting Environmental Issues Up Close (Ogawa Econos Inc.)


A model that grew from confronting environmental issues up close

Why did Ogawa Econos Inc. become involved in SDGs activities? The answer lies in what the company does. As a business, it conducts waste disposal and maintenance of water environments such as septic tanks. This work is essential for all human beings and aligns with the SDGs philosophy of “leaving no one behind.” At the waste treatment plant, about 90% of the waste is recycled, and this involves manually removing unwanted contaminants. When collecting illegally dumped garbage, it can be dangerous to pick up large pieces of waste. In facing these challenges, the company deals with environmental issues on a daily basis. Rather than awareness of the SDGs themselves, its initiatives embodies what it experiences on a daily basis. From almost 40 years before the SDGs were created, Ogawa Econos has been engaging in activities aimed at educating the coming generation that will lead the way in solving waste, water, and environmental problems.


Kind to nature, kind to people—Think globally, act locally

As a company in the business of maintaining the environment, Ogawa Econos is uniquely equipped to see the real situation. The warm words from local residents such as “Thank you for collecting our garbage even during COVID” and “Keep up the good work!” strengthens the company’s commitment to the community and its work. Disposing of illegally dumped garbage, community cleanup activities by employees, and providing environmental education to children—all of these activities are born of the desire to help the community, people, and the environment. Accordingly, Ogawa Econos has a vision. This includes reducing the BOD (an index to measure organic pollution in rivers) of the Ashida River system from 1.3 mg/L to 1.0 mg/L by 2030, so that the river can be a habitat for sweetfish. A rich water environment makes it easier for living things, including humans, to survive. The company’s passion for the environment will continue to expand the connections with the local area and its people.


Words of support from the local community

Leading with environmental education, to the SDGs and beyond

The ECONOS SEED project is about creating aspirations that will last into the future. “Econos SEED Meister” is a system for certifying individuals and organizations that have participated in the “See, Do, and Think” environmental learning program and set environmental goals for the future. In a visiting class for local junior high school students, the students were given a plant tour with quizzes and a lesson on the SDGs. This is exactly the kind of activity that plants seeds in the hearts of children. We need to be able to think and act on our own so that we can live here for generations to come. How will we live in a rapidly changing society? This is the urgent question that will be passed on to the children who will live in the world of the future. In the hands of children, the seeds that have been planted will surely become strong, beautiful flowers. In its support for the next generation’s education, Ogawa Econos is showing keen insight and hope for the SDGs and the future that lies beyond them.


Local junior high school students taking part in environmental learning

We conducted interviews!

YOSHIKAWA Mei(3rd year student, Yasuda Women’s University)

IWAMI Sakura(4th year student, Yasuda Women’s University)

MAKABE Koyuki(1st year student, Hiroshima University)

Ogawa Econos Inc.

502-10 Takagicho, Fuchu



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