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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Izumi Co., Ltd.

Toward a future with smiling faces that stretch out forever


12.3 By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses

12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse

13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning

14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution


Initiative details

As the operators of youme Town and youme Mart, we at Izumi Co., Ltd. hope to use our stores as bases for becoming a company that is friendly to customers, the local community, the global environment, and our employees. As a company, we have set specific goals to be achieved by 2030 and are committed to doing what we can to achieve them.
In order to achieve SDG 12 “Responsible Consumption and Production,” we are striving to reduce food loss and control the amount of food waste generated. For example, in our stores, we have introduced an AI-based ordering system to place orders in appropriate quantities and collect products that are nearing their expiration date on a “sell-by date table” to prevent them from being disposed of. In addition, our head office is reviewing business practices (easing delivery deadlines) and working together with stores to reduce the volume of waste on a daily basis. Furthermore, this fiscal year, we started a food drive initiative at youme Mart as a way to put food that might be wasted to effective use. With the cooperation of our customers, this will help to reduce food waste not only at stores but also in local communities. Through efforts like these, we are working to ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns.
Under SDG 13 “Climate Action,” we are working to reduce power consumption and CO2 emissions by managing and reviewing our facilities with an emphasis on energy efficiency. Solar power generation has been installed on the roof of the youme Town Hatsukaichi store to make use of renewable energy, and energy-saving freezer/refrigerator displays have been installed in youme Town and youme Mart stores. These efforts will help prevent global warming and make effective use of limited resources.
In order to achieve SDG 14 “Life Below Water,” we are reducing the use of plastic bags and promoting the use of eco-friendly food packaging. Since 1997, Izumi has been working with local residents on a “bring your own shopping bags” campaign, and by fiscal 2020, the percentage of shoppers who brought their own shopping bags had risen to over 80%. By cutting the use of plastic bags and other plastics, we can reduce the amount of plastic entering the ocean and help protect the marine ecosystem. These efforts will help create a livable future that the local community can depend on.


Under SDG 13 “Climate Action,” we are working to reduce power consumption and CO2 emissions by managing and reviewing our facilities with an emphasis on energy efficiency. Solar power generation has been installed on the roof of the youme Town Hatsukaichi store to make use of renewable energy, and energy-saving freezer/refrigerator displays have been installed in youme Town and youme Mart stores. These efforts will help prevent global warming and make effective use of limited resources.


In order to achieve SDG 14 “Life Below Water,” we are reducing the use of plastic bags and promoting the use of eco-friendly food packaging. Since 1997, Izumi has been working with local residents on a “bring your own shopping bags” campaign, and by fiscal 2020, the percentage of shoppers who brought their own shopping bags had risen to over 80%. By cutting the use of plastic bags and other plastics, we can reduce the amount of plastic entering the ocean and help protect the marine ecosystem. These efforts will help create a livable future that the local community can depend on.


Key Points

We have distributed a SDGs handbook so that each and every employee can start working on the issues close to them in order to establish a company-wide framework. We will also continue to engage with the SDGs through our sales floor and products.


Izumi Co., Ltd.

3-3-1 Futabanosato Higashi-Ku, Hiroshima



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