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Hiroshima for Global Peace

“Visions and Challenges for Transformation and Just Transition towards the Post-SDGs World”

Visions and Challenges for the Future

Visions and Challenges for Transformation and Just Transition towards the Post-SDGs World”, which is proposed by HOPe.

Executive Summary “Visions and Challenges for Transformation and Just Transition towards the Post-SDGs World”

Full version  “Visions and Challenges for Transformation and Just Transition towards the Post-SDGs World” 



(1) Regarding the “Visions and Challenges for Transformation and Just Transition towards the Post-SDGs World”

In addition to the conventional discussion on nuclear weapons from the aspects of “security and law” and “humanity and ethics,” we will rethink the issue from the perspective of “sustainability” and develop campaign activities to raise awareness of the need to include the perspective of “Sustainable Peace and Prosperity for All” in the discussion on the post-SDGs.


(2)Future Plan

The Global Alliance will discuss the“post-nuclear weapon age and Sustainability Agenda and Vision for Transformation and Transition Toward Post-SDGs”from an international and cross-sectoral perspective and formulate proposals.



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