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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Request letterLetter to Russia requesting suspension of nuclear tests



(Provisional Translation)


Request letter


April 11, 2024


His Excellency Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

President of the Russian Federation



Dear Mr. President,


I have come across reports suggesting that there is a high possibility that your country is proceeding with preparations for a nuclear test on the Novaya Zemlya islands.


Since your country initiated a military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, I have continuously and strongly condemned your repeated statements hinting at the use of nuclear weapons.


I am deeply concerned by moves in several countries, which have been prompted by your country’s series of nuclear threats, to strengthen reliance on nuclear deterrence out of concern for their own national security.


This is a serious situation, and should your country conduct a nuclear test amid these circumstances, it would be extremely regrettable, as it could provide other nuclear-armed nations with an excuse to embark on new nuclear weapons development programs and significantly set back the cumulative efforts towards nuclear disarmament that the international community has made over many years.


Therefore, on behalf of the residents of Hiroshima Prefecture, who experienced the unprecedented horror of the first atomic bombing, I strongly request that you refrain from carrying out any nuclear tests.


Yours sincerely,


Hidehiko Yuzaki

Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan



Full text in Japanese


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