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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Protest(2024.5.18)Letter to the United States protesting the subcritical nuclear test conducted on May 14



(Provisional Translation)


Protest letter


May 18, 2024


His Excellency Joseph Biden

President of the United States

The White House



Dear Mr. President:


The United States announced that it conducted a subcritical nuclear test on May 14 at an underground test site in Nevada. On behalf of the citizens of Hiroshima, who experienced the unprecedented catastrophe of the first atomic bombing in human history, I hereby strongly protest against the test.


Although I strongly requested the United States never to conduct a nuclear test again in my previous letter, it was conducted despite the earnest wishes of the citizens of Hiroshima, who have constantly worked to realize nuclear abolition and permanent world peace. We feel strong resentment toward the test, which trampled on our feelings.


Mr. President, at the G7 Hiroshima Summit held a year ago, together with other G7 leaders, you expressed your aspiration for nuclear disarmament. This was truly meaningful.


Only one year later, however, the United States has conducted a subcritical nuclear test, which has tremendously disappointed the citizens of Hiroshima.


It is obvious that the test by the United States will give other nuclear states, particularly Russia, China, and North Korea, an excuse to continue with their own nuclear development to further reinforce nuclear deterrence and will significantly set back the efforts of the international community toward nuclear disarmament.


Moreover, statements justifying the atomic bombings of Japan were recently made by individuals related to the U.S. government and Senate. These statements on nuclear weapons could lead to the misconception among people worldwide that nuclear weapons are somehow acceptable, rather than being inhumane by their very nature, and cause grave concerns and great fear about the possible use of such immoral weapons.


Mr. President, I truly hope that you will seriously consider international opinion in support of nuclear abolition, as well as the strong aspirations of the citizens of Hiroshima. I hereby strongly request the United States to never conduct nuclear tests again. By showing a good example, the United States will be able to exert its leadership in the international community in the advancement of nuclear abolition.



Respectfully yours,



Hidehiko Yuzaki

Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan



Full text in Japanese


Related information

・Protest Letter against Nuclear Tests and Request Letter about visits to Hiroshima, etc.

・Initiative towards the abolition of nuclear weapons