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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Visit to the Friedenauer Gemeinschaftsshule High School

 On Friday, December 1, 2023, the program participants visited Friedenauer Gemeinschaftsshule High School in Germany. At the school, participants Suzuno Oda and Haruka Maeda gave presentations about the G7 Hiroshima Summit, the reality of the atomic bombing, and their own peace efforts. Afterwards, a discussion with local high school students was held.


 Ms. Oda spoke about the necessity of ensuring that peace education covers not only the horror of the atomic bombing and the history of the victim country but also other countries’ histories and peace education.
  Ms. Maeda, while referring to her experience as a Peace Volunteer in operating an event for young people to disseminate messages of peace to the world, spoke about the necessity for young people to engage in peace activities.

The presentations were followed by a discussion on Japan’s and Germany’s peace measures and policies. The discussion helped the program participants learn that it is essential to recognize the necessity of peace based on past tragedies, such as the atomic bombings and the Holocaust, in order to realize international peace, and to explore causes and implement appropriate measures in order to solve global issues.

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