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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Hiroshima Junior International Forum(For Foreign High School Students) “The 7th Hiroshima Junior International Forum (Online)”

Invite foreign high school students and Japanese high school students to think about international peace, share ideas, deepen mutual understanding, and spread a message of peace around the world in order to bring about a world without nuclear weapons.

Please refer to


August 16(Tues)to August 20(Sat) ,2022


Web Conference System (Online)


What can we do to achieve global peace?

(Initiatives toward the abolition of nuclear weapons, reconstruction and peacebuilding)

Schedule (tentative)


Program Details

August 16(Tues)

Orientation, Teambuilding Workshop

 Atomic Bomb Survivor’s Testimony

Online Guided Tour of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Speech about Reconstruction & Peace Building

August 17(Wed)

Lecture and Group Discussion on  Abolition of Nuclear Weapons

August 18(Thu)

Lecture and Group Discussion on  Reconstruction & Peace Building

August 19(Fri)

Draft the “Hiroshima Declaration”

August 20(Sat)

Present the “Hiroshima Declaration” 


Participation fee


Number of participants:

Foreign high school students               20

Priority will be given to high school student applicants from regions with friendship agreements with Hiroshima Prefecture, namely:

Sichuan (P.R. China); Hawaii (USA); Guanajuato (Mexico) 


 (Reference) Other participants

・Japanese high school students    40





Application period

Applications must be received by May 31(Tues) , 2022.


Requirements for application:

(1) Must be under 19 years old (preferably high school students)

(2) Have not previously participated in this forum

(3) Highly interested in realizing global peace (nuclear weapons abolition etc.)

(4) Have internet access at their residence

(5) Can actively participate in discussions in English

(6) Can join in group activities according to the program

(7) Must attend the entire program 

(8) After the forum ends, will continue to proactively take action towards global peace, widely share said information through social media, and can report on said activities to Hiroshima Prefecture 6 months post-forum. 


How to apply

The application form must be submitted to the address below by post or by email to the International Affairs Division, Hiroshima Prefectural Government.

Application Form

* The office will carefully manage any personal information submitted, and will use such information only within the objectives of this program.

By Post

International Affairs Division, Hiroshima Prefectural Government

10-52 Motomachi, Nakaku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, 730-8511, Japan

By Email


Selection process

(1) Selection of participants:

After an examination of the application documents, participants will be chosen.

The results of the selection will be sent to all applicants.

(2) Revocation of participant status:

Even after being selected, if a chosen participant performs an action unbecoming of a participant at any time or experiences a serious health issue, their status as a participant may be revoked.


International Affairs Division, Hiroshima Prefectural Government

10-52 Motomachi, Nakaku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, 730-8511, Japan


TEL: +81-82- 513-2361  FAX: +81-82-228-1614





Application Form for foreign high school applicants


Information related to this page

The 6th Hiroshima Junior International Forum

Report of the 6th Hiroshima Junior International Forum

The 6th Hiroshima Junior International Forum

Online Learning Program, “Think about Peace – Hiroshima as a starting point” is available!

Hiroshima Prefecture starts the online learning program in order to develop human resource that can disseminate peace for the international society.

Online Learning Program

Inquiries about this page

International Affairs Division, Hiroshima Prefectural Government

Street address:10-52, Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken, 730-8511



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