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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Activity Report: NPT Review Conference 2022

Side-Event at the NPT Review Conference (July, 2022)

At the NPT Review Conference, a side event was held under the theme of “Nuclear Disarmament and Our Sustainable Future,” co-sponsored by Nagasaki Prefecture, a member of GASPPA. We discussed with GASPPA members and others what we must do now to achieve the abolition of nuclear weapons as soon as possible by 2045.  A GASPPA banner was also displayed at the venue.



Professor, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University Former Ambassador to UN, Japan 



Danielle McLaughlin 

Project Lead,

Horizon 2045 Legal Strategies


Jessica Sleight

Global Zero 

Partner, Strategy, Policy & Partnerships


Stephen Schwartz

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists *A Member of GASPPA

Nonresident Senior Fellow


Kenneth Chiu

Reverse The Trend

Youth Activist


Welcoming Remarks

Kengo OISHI, Governor of Nagasaki Prefecture


Breief Introduction

Hidehiko YUZAKI, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture

Representative of HOPe


Discussion Summary

  • Proposed idea by the Horizon 2045; A new approach to changing society and addressing system reform was introduced. People will believe in a future without nuclear weapons, by grasping future technological, political, economic and social changes, considering normative and legal frameworks, and narrating the connections between them.
  • Proposed idea by the Global Zero; Once we understand how the existence of nuclear weapons unfairly inflicts great damage on non-white people and causes losses to the economy and investment, we should start by implementing the reduction of nuclear weapons by the U.S. and Russia, introducing a binding no-first-use policy at the same time.

  • Comments by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists; An effort by one or two of the nuclear-weapon states, or by the rise of civil society, can create the kind of change we have seen with other weapons and social movements.

  • Youth Activities concerning Climate Change and the Issues of Nuclear Weapons reported by the Reverse the Trend; In addition to the opinion that the two issues of climate change and nuclear weapons are closely linked in terms of sustainability, he is working on issues such as the cost of nuclear weapons and nuclear testing, and the trauma of hibakusha.

  • We shared with the participants that the abolition of nuclear weapons is the path that must be taken in order to create a sustainable future. Finally, the governors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki issued a joint message calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons.




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