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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Hiroshima Round TableHiroshima Round Table


In order to make the “Supporting the Roadmap for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons” in the “Hiroshima for Global Peace Plan” more concrete, we have annually held the Hiroshima Round Table since 2013 as a place to have a multi-lateral and international discussion on nuclear disarmament and arms control.


◆Sponsor: Hiroshima Prefecture・Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace (abbrev. HOPe)
Composed of: Hiroshima Prefecture, Mayors for Peace, Hiroshima Keizai Doyukai, Hiroshima University etc. (Total of 20 organizations)


◆Contents: Hold discussion session about theme, then present the Chair’s statement. (Varies by year)


People with experiences as Foreign Minister of Japan, United States of America, Korea, Australia etc. and globally cutting edge researchers etc.


Most Recent Round Table

10th Round Table (2023)

Past Round Tables

th Round Table (2022)

8th Round Table (2021)

7th Round Table (2019)

th Round Table (2018)

5th Round Table (2017)


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