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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Imoto Construction Co., Ltd.



Sustainable Society Supported by “Building Regeneration” Technology


Case example of a regenerated building

Since its establishment in 1933 as a general contractor, Imoto Construction Co., Ltd. has been engaged in construction of diverse buildings, from private houses to traditional architecture, such as temples and shrines around Hiroshima Prefecture. The company has recently been focusing on “building regeneration” technology, which is different from conventional renewal or renovation. It is technology to give new life to an existing building by equipping it with designs and functions equivalent to newly constructed buildings. This is done by applying seismic retrofitting that meets current legal requirements while reusing the main building frame. As such, it is not necessary to use new construction materials for the main building frame, which leads to environmental conservation. Furthermore, it is also possible to extend the lifecycle of the original main frame, reduce construction costs, and shorten the construction period. This method requires a longer time for planning and design compared to the case of new construction since it is necessary to conduct seismic diagnosis and investigation on the original building. However, considering the advantages of shorter time required for the whole project, longer life of buildings, and reduction of construction costs and CO2 emission, the company is proactively promoting this technology.

SDG-oriented features

A library in Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture, was regenerated with this technology. In regional cities undergoing depopulation, it is important to consider how to utilize existing buildings, not easily depending on rebuilding them or constructing larger buildings. The Government of Japan is promoting long-lasting buildings by, for example, giving tax incentives to buildings certified as “long-lasting quality housing.” Building regeneration technology is an excellent method that can reduce generation of waste materials and CO2 emission by approximately 80% compared to rebuilding. Since this technology contributes to the realization of a sustainable society, it will undoubtedly play a major role and be much more needed in the future.

Imoto Construction Co., Ltd.
1-1-33 Yamate, Kure City

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