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Hiroshima for Global Peace

#Throwback 2020

The year 2020 fell on the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The world has changed a lot in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. What kind of initiatives did Hiroshima Prefecture take toward the peaceful international society free of nuclear weapons.

January 2020

Oversea Training in Hiroshima (Future Leaders’ Program for Global Peace)

Participants, high school students in Hiroshima, visited various sites including high school in Philippine. They have posted short-reports on the facebook.

See the post


February 2020

Future Leaders’ Program for Global Peace

All program has finished in February! In debriefing session, every participants presented their own statement in English. See more on our website.

Read the report


March 2020

Request letter to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Governor of Hiroshima handed out request letters about NPT, TPNW and visits to A-bomb-attacked cites.

Read the letter


April 2020

Release Hiroshima Report 2020

The report that analyze and evaluates the efforts of nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and security in 2019 has been released.

Read the Report


Request letter to NPT State Parties

Governor of Hiroshima sent a letter to NPT state parties to urge them to sustain its efforts toward continues discussions between NPT state parties.

Read the letter


May 2020

Start #peacetimes

We started to post various kinds of articles that make you learn the reality of nuclear weapons and present issues. First post is about “In the corner of this world”.

Read “In the corner of this world”


June 2020

The status of nuclear forces (estimates, as of January 2020)

SIPRI has announced the latest status of nuclear weapons. The number of nuclear forces is 13,400. It decreases 465 compared with the number of January 2019.

See the latest status of nuclear forces


July 2020

Hiroshima-ICAN Academy on Nuclear Weapons and Global Security 2020

In this year, the academy has started from July via online. 31 youth in 20 countries including nuclear-weapon states have participated in it.

Read the report


August 2020

The Peace Memorial Ceremony

This year marks the 75th anniversary after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The situation of the ceremony in this year was very different from the past years.

Read the report

UN75 in Hiroshima

2020 falls on the 75th anniversary of both the atomic bombing and the founding of the United Nations. The world biggest dialogue event, UN75, was also held in Hiroshima. Participants proposed about disarmament.

Read the event report

Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace

The online forum was held with the aim to create a truly peaceful and sustainable global society.  The theme of this year was “How we can proactively achieve “Peace” leveraging SDGs in the post COVID-19 world”

Read the event report


September 2020

International Day of Peace

September 21 is the International Day of Peace.
The article posted on September 21 is about the think about Peace on September 21. We have posted many articles about peace.

Learn more


October 2020

50 states ratified TPNW

On October 24, the number of state parties reached 50 and the treaty enters into force on January 22, 2021.

What is TPNW?


November 2020

Release Hiroshima Positive Economy Index

Hiroshima Prefecture and Institute of Positive Economy in France collaborated to release the index to see the status of Hiroshima through various indicators.

See the result

December 2020

Hiroshima Junior International Forum

The online forum that high school students in Japan and in the world discussed about global peace was held.

Hiroshima Junior International Forum

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