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Hiroshima for Global Peace

Satake Corporation

Creation of workplaces where employees feel comfortable and fulfilled in their work

There are many female employees in sales and various other departments.

Satake started an in-house day-care center 15 years ago to allow as many female employees as possible to continue to work actively for as long as possible. At present, there are hardly any women leaving the company after childbirth, and an increasing number of female employees are engaged in research and development and sales of food processing machinery and agricultural machinery, which have all traditionally been male-dominated fields. The company also encourages male employees to take childcare leave and avoid working overtime. As described above, the company offers programs to give its employees the flexibility to choose their individual work styles. Last year, the company started programs designed to help employees and their families spend more time together. One of such programs allows employees to take three days off per week during the school summer holidays in July and August. Despite these well-designed programs, many staff members who have direct contact with customers, for example, those of sales and services departments, are still working overtime. The next issue we need to address therefore, is to minimize the gap between the ideal and reality.

Currently, we are placing emphasis on “work-style reform” from various aspects: more effort than ever to increase work efficiency and quality; education to improve the abilities of all employees; and effort to improve communication at work.

SDG-oriented features

The company cares about employees and their families, and employees appreciate the consideration given by the company. There are established programs that are not commonly offered in general, which is the strength and significant feature of this company.

For women participating in society, family often assumes an important role. It is therefore important to provide sufficient support for families, instead of merely focusing on working women alone, which thereby provides women with a comfortable environment to work in.

Satake Corporation

Address: 2-30 Saijo-Nishihonmachi, Higashi-Hiroshima City



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