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Hiroshima for Global Peace

FP Corporation



Eco-Friendly Recycling Trays


Eco-friendly recycled food trays of FP Corporation

Styrofoam trays are light, strong, and safe. They protect foods from germs and dust and help prevent food poisoning. They also help keep food fresh and cold.
There are about 100 simple food container manufacturers in Japan. FP Corporation has a nearly 30% share of this market. Styrofoam trays are environmentally friendly. About 95% of the trays are made of air. Polystyrene resin is made from crude oil. So styrofoam is effectively made from only a little amount of crude oil.
They weigh 1/3 to 1/4 of paper containers and only account for 0.2% of the weight of household waste. Moreover, if they are recycled, this percentage drops further.
Since 1990, FP Corporation has built tray collection networks, including collection from supermarkets. Collected used trays are returned to the form of raw material at its recycling plants and recycled into food trays. The company has about 9,260 collection points and is recycling about 8,800 tons (about 1,850 million trays) of used food trays a year (as of the end of March 2019).

SDG-oriented features

Styrofoam food trays and clear food containers are used at supermarkets. FP Corporation collects used styrofoam trays, clear containers and PET bottles from these supermarkets. Collected trays are returned to the form of raw material at its recycling plants and recycled into food trays again. These recycled trays are called “Eco Tray” and “Eco APET.” CO2 emissions can be reduced by 30% compared to trays made from crude oil. In FY2018, the company’s activities reduced CO2 emissions by 135,000 tons.

FP Corporation
1-13-15 Akebono-cho, Fukuyama City

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